Interview with Chic Galleria – Women Entreprenuer Series

bella vino-118I was recently interviewed by Chic Galleria about being a woman entreprenuer and wanted to share the interview with all of you! It gives you some insight on my journey as an entrepreneur and background.

1) Share with us, something we don’t know about Dawn?

I majored in the Arts in college. Theatre arts, was my passion, a continuation of my childhood spent in a musical theatre & choir group that traveled around the country and abroad. Most people who know me now, have no idea about my performance background or that I can sing very well. I also went on to study Italian Renaissance Art History & Humanities and can tell you almost anything about Michelangelo, Da Vinci and Raphael, who happen to be all left-handed like myself.

2. What makes La Bella Vita Cosmetico a success?

I think there are several reasons why the company is successful. The vision of the company and philosophy has always been succinct; providing a taste of living La Bella Vita – living a beautiful life, Italian style, through superior products and services. We treat our consumer guests as though they are famiglia(family)making them feel a part of the La Bella Vita experience. Providing a gold standard of guest service that is second to none. Lastly, expanding their experience through extraordinary new products and service offerings.

3. How did you get started in the organic body & hair products business?

I have been in the beauty industry for almost two decades; in the salon & spa industry and on the retail side as a trainer with a prestige fragrance and beauty brand. I had always envisioned having my own line of skin, body and hair care products. Using my experience and expertise on both sides of the beauty industry, I finally decided to make my vision a reality and La Bella Vita Cosmetico was created.

Bella Vino – is an award winning Vino Therapy Skin Care & Spa Line, infused with the by-products of the wine making process, the certified organic ingredients provide powerful anti- oxidants and superior anti-aging benefits . Bello Organico –Organic body & facial products are made with the exclusive co-operation of a  lovely Italian Organic Farm and Agriturismo in the heart of Tuscany, in Arezzo, Italy. The farm provides all the certified organic ingredients such as honey, lavender, mint, and rose. Bella Organico products are simple yet luxurious and each provide amazing anti-aging benefits.

One of the most important things to me in fulfilling my vision was to make sure that my products were not only luxurious – but health conscious, ethical and eco-friendly. So, I set out to ensure that we used only raw, certified organic ingredients derived from sustainable and fair traded sources. Therefore, our products are carcinogenic toxin free, vegan, cruelty free, and contain no parabens and fillers, for the health and safety of our consumer guests.

4. In what ways has your business cost you? Personally, financially, socially?

This question, is one that I get asked a lot! Personally having a business that demands your attention at all times can be overwhelming. I have learned to delegate tasks when it’s possible, although I do admit to still being a little bit of a control freak. Financially it can be quite scary – even when you are considered “successful” it seems there is always money constantly being paid out- the more you grow, the more you owe! Socially, being single, I find that dating/relationships can be challenging because of my work and travel schedule.

5. Give us some of the benefits of being a successful business owner?

Well, there are some really great benefits of being a successful business owner. First, I believe that in order to “get successful” you must “give back successfully ” and that is accomplished with aligning your business with a charity that speaks to you. I believe that mankind has the obligation to be charitable – I aligned my company with the San Damiano Foundation ( It is an amazing foundation that recognizes the power of film and social media to touch and inspire people, making it a perfect medium to communicate concern for the poor, social justice, peace and nonviolence. The vision for San Damiano creating these films for charity is twofold: to raise funds for the charities aiding the world’s poor, and to awaken the hearts and minds to the plight of the poor, hopefully inspiring viewers to serve those in need through acts of compassion and mercy. I for one know that it works brilliantly, a YouTube video posted by a friend via San Damiano Foundation on FaceBook inspired me to get involved. La Bella Vita Cosmetico donates 10% of all its product sales to the San Damiano Foundation.

Also, traveling on business to some great countries and multiple cities  – and never thinking twice about staying a few extra days or weeks to enjoy them! It is definitely great to be the boss then! Lastly, meeting and speaking with really amazing people, some I consider personal mentors, that I would not have otherwise been able too, had it not been for my business or my weekly radio show La Bella Vita –

6. What’s the best professional advice you ever received?

That the difference between successful people, and unsuccessful people, is that the successful people are willing to do the things that unsuccessful people won’t do. If you knock on fifty doors to pitch your product or service and they all say no and slam the door in your face, you better be able to be just as enthusiastic on door fifty one, as you were on the first one! Remember that not everyone will embrace your passion and vision and that’s okay – waiting for the visionaries that are fully engaged in your passion will support you and your business the most.

7. How do you successfully juggle family and friends, as a  business owner?

There is a quote from me on my company web site that states  “Wherever your heart and soul feel the fullest, embracing and being present in every moment of it, that is living La Bella Vita.” That statement is how I truly live my life – I am fully engaged and present whether I am working or when I’m with my friends and family.

8. What knowledge would you share with someone seeking to start their own business?

My advice is to figure out what you are most passionate about. What would motivate you to get you up each morning, with a smile on your face and do it every day without monetary compensation? Once you have figured that out – that is what you need to build your business idea around. When you create a business around your passion, you will never “work” another day in your life!  Imagine how amazing this world would be if everyone discovered their true passion and fully embraced it!

9. Would you change anything about your journey from startup to  success?

It would be easy to say that I would change the obstacles that were extremely challenging in building my business. However, I know that it was those obstacles that taught me the greatest lessons in business. Instead of being discouraged, I considered them learning opportunities and persevered with integrity and grace. Ask any entrepreneur, we’ve all experienced challenges and obstacles in our journey-however, it is how we react to them, that will determine whether we will be successful or unsuccessful.

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